Msc Chemistry, Phd Biochemistry

Leicester Royal Infirmary

I am a fifty four year old German, who lived in England for sixteen years. Due to increasing requests I made tuition my main profession.

Over a hundred A-level students of all four main exam boards (AQA, Edexcel, OCR A and B) were clients in the last fifteen years. I began tutoring during my Chemistry study, in which I achieved a Masters of Science in Chemistry (first class degree) and a PhD in Biochemistry (first class degree). One pupil was a medical student, who did not like chemistry and tried to memorize all chemical formulas for his exam. After the basic rules were explained the student was able to derive the equations without much effort and said, “I did not know chemistry was so easy.” 
My emphasis lies on developing a solid foundation of knowledge and the ability to apply it. While tutoring I noticed that many students struggle with exam revision. They try to memorize too much in too short a period of time. They understand the need to summarize the facts, but are unsure how to do this. Revision guides are a great place to start, but still contain too many explanations. I looked around for revision cards, but could not find anything suitable. Hence, I created my own, incorporating my extensive knowledge of exam questions, to present the essential facts in an easy to memorize form. I provided them to my students, who used them very successfully in their exams. Many of them went on to study medicine. They have now been published as books, so other pupils can benefit from them.

Scientific Expertise

This picture shows me in a laboratory at the BC Cancer Research Centre in Vancouver, Canada.

I have worked for 18 years in high profile labs in scientific research all over the world including Tübingen (Germany), Hamburg (Germany), Cambridge (UK) and Leicester (UK). During this time I have taught university students and supervised Masters and PhD students.

My scientific expertise includes Biochemistry, Microbiology, Molecular biology, Protein chemistry, Chemical Analytic and Genetic Engineering.

I am now a professional online Chemistry Tutor.